Mens Ministry is highly valued at the River. We believe that a unity of strong men in Christ helps to make a solid foundation in the church.

Here are some ways to connect with our Mens Ministry. 

  1. The Wiseman Bible Study Group which meets Monday evenings at 6:30 pm. The location is 322 River Front Drive in Reno. Contact Tom Wise at 745-6626. 
  2. Weekly Breakfast and Fellowship on Thursday mornings at 7:00 am. Location is Lili's Restaurant at Kietzke Lane and Grove Street.
  3. The Quarterly Men's Breakfast held at the church on Saturdays. We open with great food and fellowship followed by a time of worship and an inspiring message from a special guest speaker.
  4. Men's Huddle. 1st Sunday every month after the Sunday Service. 11:45am-12:45pm.

We hope you will join us at one or more of these avenues of the Mens Ministry.