"A Purpose for Our Tears"

Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy.  Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.

Psalm 126:5-6 NIV


Hello River Family,

As we officially enter together into this Fall season, this verse in Psalms about seedtime and harvest, weeping and rejoicing, resonates with me today.

Did you know that tears have a special part to play when it comes to spiritual growth and breakthrough? Scripture indicates that they do. This verse in Psalms shows that when you and I plant seeds with a heart that's been humbled and broken, well not only see some amazing spiritual results, but well also find joy in the journey. The Bible tells us that, actually, tears serve different purposes and are all about what you could even call the ministry of tears.

For example, there are tears of sadness (2 Kin. 20:5) which flow from feeling weak and fragile. On the flip side, tears of happiness (Gen. 33:4) celebrate when relationships are mended. We also shed tears of compassion (John 11:35) when we feel for others in pain, and tears of desperation (Esth. 4:1, 3) when were crying out for help that only God can provide. We experience tears of struggle (Is. 42:14) as we push through to bring forth the new things God has promised us. Then there are tears of repentance (Joel 2:12, 13) that flow when we recognize our wrongdoings.

But in all of this, heres the very important idea to remember:

Its in our hearts, softened by these tears, that we need to plant. Yes, in this rich, emotional soil, the precious seeds will flourish and yield a joyful and plentiful harvest.

So, lets weep and rejoice together, lets plant and harvest together.

This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Gods love and blessings to each of you in our Lord Jesus,

Pastor Rod and Stacey


The River Newsletter

10475 West Fourth Street

Reno, Nevada 89523
