"Children are a gift from the Lord"

Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.

Psalm 127:3


Dear River Church Family,

I pray that you are all doing well as we begin our transition into Summer. This time of the year our thoughts naturally turn to our families and family times shared together.

In regard to our families, Scripture reminds us that our children are a gift from God, a special present straight from Heaven. The Father above told Adam and Eve to have lots of kids, and that's exactly what they did! Yes, in the book of Psalms, it says that children are like a family heirloom, passed down from the Lord Himself. He trusts us to care for and raise up these little treasures, just like someone would trust their kids with a big inheritance.

But wait, there's more!

Children are also seen as a reward. A reward is something you get for doing something good. When we become parents, we didn't do anything to earn our kids. They were given to us out of love. The real reward comes from raising them with love and watching them grow in their faith, all the while continuing to pray for Gods good purposes to be fulfilled in their lives.

Now, the world might have a different opinion about children. They sometimes see them as a burden instead of a blessing. But let me tell you something, when we start feeling frustrated with our children, we need to remember what the Bible says. It promises that our grandchildren will bring joy to our old age.

Bottom line: With our children, God's reward keeps going, from one generation to the next!

I pray that you will have a blessed Summer with your family. Our church family will be having a special Church Picnic to enjoy together which we will be announcing soon!

Love and blessings in Christ to all of you,


Pastor Rod and Stacey


The River Newsletter

10475 West Fourth Street

Reno, Nevada 89523
